Recording your class
with Panopto
Panopto can help you easily record your class session, and easily share the video with your students.
Download Waiver (PDF)While it is considered best practice to create short and customized videos for your learners, you may choose to record your in-class session for a number of valuable reasons. With Lecture Capture notice posted on your classrooms entrance(s), you will be able to share your lecture across the College, but will not be permitted to publicize the video.
Recording Your Class
If you would like to record your class session, the following steps must be followed:
Sample email to Students
Things To Consider
It is highly recommended that you photograph the notice that you have placed up on the day of your recording, so that you can keep a record of the notice that has been provided to your students.
You may wish to advise your students that all material captured is designed to support their studies, and is not a substitute for regular attendance.
Students May Opt Out
Students may wish to opt-out of appearing on camera, or having their voice captured, without academic penalty. If they choose to do so, you will need to make sure that you do not mention their name during the recording.
Alternative Methods of Participation
You may consider the following alternative methods of participation for the student(s) who have opted out:
You can work out a method with your student where they can sit in the off-camera zone, and raise their hand if they have a question. This will provide you with an opportunity to pause the recording or turn off the microphone for their question.
The student(s) can ask questions via e-mail, during office hours, or by written note.
Consider using technology or a “backchannel” to interact with those students:
- Kahoot!: gamified polling software; students can answer questions or polls
- Mentimeter: polling software; students can answer questions or polls; includes a Q&A tool where students can ask questions live
- Slack: a chat-based collaboration tool; students can send messages, answer polls, download/upload multimedia files
- Padlet: a bulletin-board style collaboration software; students can write messages or comments, post and download multimedia files
- Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: webinar software available inside your Blackboard course page; student can interact in private chat and download/upload multimedia files
For support or instructions on how to record your class using Panopto, contact Humber’s Panopto Support Team by e-mail at