Release for

Use of Student Work

If your students will be uploading any work to Panopto, they must first complete this waiver. This waiver should be stored in a safe and accessible location.
Download Waiver (PDF)

Note about retention:
Completed student work release forms must be retained permanently.


This waiver covers all work(s) from students within your course. If a student’s work includes the likeness, image, or appearance of another student, then the student who is submitting the work is responsible for having the other students sign the Photo and Video Release Form, and submitting that along with their assignment.

The purpose of this waiver is to cover:


Regular Course Work

Regular course-work/assignments which will leverage Panopto as a medium for students to upload content. This waiver should be signed by any student who is submitting work on Panopto.

Work For Promotional Purposes

Course-work/assignments that are intended to be used across the institution, as a means to promote Humber’s offerings, programs, and exemplary work. The student must check off permission for “Marketing/Publicity” purposes for their work to be used in this manner.

Consent Options & Definitions

The form will request consent from students for Humber to use their work, according to the permissions that have been indicated on the form. It is recommended that you explain these options to your students, and relate them to your intended use of the students’ work.

The permissions are as follows:

  1. You may use my work within the course, for teaching and learning purposes.
    • This level of permission simply allows the instructor to utilize the students work within the current section, only.
  2. You may use my work within this course, and within the program, for teaching & learning purposes.
    • This level of permission is similar to the first level; however, it also allows the instructor to share this work within other sections or courses within the program.
  3. You may use my work for Marketing/Publicity purposes, in addition to teaching & learning purposes.
    • This is the highest level or permission, and allows Humber to use the student’s work for Marketing, Publicity, and teaching & learning purposes.
  4. I decline to provide consent, and would like to receive an alternative method for assignment submission.
    • If a student selects this option, you must provide them with an alternative method of submitting their work. Their work cannot be shown to other students.

To Use This Form

Download the fillable-PDF form.
Complete the relevant top-half (Instructor, Semester, Year, Course Name), and save the PDF to your computer.
Request that each student, who will be uploading work on Panopto, complete the rest of the document, and send it back to you for filing.

  1. Only electronic “ink” signatures are acceptable, or pen and paper.
  2. You may optionally request that your students save the file according to the file naming standards below.
  3. If the student is signing via pen and paper, you may request that they send it to you digitally.
Store all documents in a secure location that is accessible by your School’s administration (such as the H or I Drive). These documents will need to be made available upon request from Humber, and must be retained permanently.

Strategies for Distributing the Form

Consider using class time

You may wish to use class time to request that your students review, complete, and send you the form. This way, you can answer any questions that your students may have. In addition, using lab computers will help to ensure that your students have a smooth experience.

Use Blackboard Assignments

Consider using the Assignments feature within Blackboard as a means for students to submit their completed waivers. This feature will allow you to see who has completed the form, and will also allow you to download them all at once to store in a secure Humber location.

Optional File Management Strategy

For convenience and organizational purposes, it is recommended that you clearly name and organize your returned PDFs, so that they can easily be found later. Kindly request that your students return the completed form with the file named as follows:

  • LastnameFirstname_SWRelease.pdf

It is recommended, but not required, that you store the waivers using the following folder structure:

  1. Create a folder called “Completed Student Release Forms”.
  2. Within it, create a folder with the current year (YYYY).
  3. Within that, create another folder with the current semester (Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer).
  4. Within that, create another folder with your Course Code (ABCD100).
  5. Place the waivers within this folder.