Known Issues

Blackboard Ultra: Current Method to Embed Videos

By October 7, 2021 No Comments

UPDATE: As of Friday, December 3, 2021, Panopto has officially been launched within Blackboard Ultra. See Panopto has arrived in Blackboard Ultra for complete instructions.



Panopto has just recently been partially activated within the Blackboard Ultra Course Experience at Humber. In-Video Quizzing in Ultra is not currently supported, and will be activated within the coming weeks. Full self-guided support articles will also be created shortly.

How to Embed in the Ultra Course Experience

To embed a video within an Ultra Course, follow the instructions in Panopto’s article: How to Embed a Video into a Blackboard Ultra Course. In Step 1.2 of this article, the tool will be called Panopto Embed – Ultra View (screenshot below). The embed tool can be found within the Content Market in Ultra.

A screenshot of the Embed tool within Ultra. It reads "Panopto Embed - Ultra View"

Humber Workaround Method (Temporary)

Alternatively, faculty may temporarily follow our temporary method:

First, copy the link to your video:

Your video link can be found within the “Share” settings. You must also ensure your Panopto permissions are configured correctly. They can be set to either Public (unlisted) or Your Organization (unlisted).

A screenshot of the Share Video modal, with the Copy Link button highlighted.

Then, within Blackboard:

  1. In any body of text, click the “+” button at the end of the text editor, then click Media. In this example, I have created a new “document”.

A screenshot of the Blackboard Ultra WYSIWYG text editor.

  1. Paste your Panopto Video link into the Media URL field, and click Insert.
    A screenshot of the "Insert Media from Web" modal within Ultra, where a URL has been pasted into the Media URL Field.
  2. If completed successfully, you will see that the video is embedded within your text.
    A screenshot of the Ultra WYSIWYG Text Editor, now including the Panopto video embed.


Any questions, you are always welcome to inquire with Humber’s Panopto Support Team at