Behavioural ChangesUpdates

Discussion Notifications have now arrived!

By February 11, 2022 No Comments

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View. Discuss. Get Notified.

Panopto just added discussion notifications, so you’ll always know when someone comments.  

Effective immediately, Panopto will now send faculty and students a Daily Digest, notifying you of:

  • new discussion comments on your videos
  • replies to your comments in discussion threads

Previously, faculty needed to manually check their videos for any new discussion activity. Now, you’ll automatically be in-the-know.

With discussion notifications now available, we hope you will take full advantage of the many benefits of online discussions, such as:

  • fostering community and facilitating students learning from each other
  • creating a safe space for introverts and less fluent English speakers to express their thoughts
  • helping students to process and integrate new information and ideas, leading to deeper learning and better preparation for the next concepts
  • creating expert learners who are purposeful, motivated, resourceful, knowledgeable, strategic and goal-directed
  • checking student’s comprehension of material as consumed, so you can intervene as needed

You can customize how often you receive notifications by logging into Panopto and adjusting the Notifications preferences.

Animated image of a cursor, highlighted in yellow, in the Discussion Notifications tab of User Settings. It selects the frequency dropdown under a notification setting, expands the menu, and chooses a different option than the one selected.

So, how do I use them?

There is no action you need to take to benefit from this new feature: simply continue creating and uploading great video content, and continue facilitating text-based discussions on your videos with the support of Panopto’s new discussion notifications. You will immediately begin to receive notifications when a student comments on your video.